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According to the last available data, in the first nine months of this year the total trade between Qatar and Italy reached the value of 4.8 billion Euro, with an increase of + 161% compared to the same period of 2021. It is worth pointing out that the total bilateral trade in the entire year 2021 was approximately 3.3 billion Euro. Italy ranks 4th among the suppliers’ countries of Qatar, after India and before Germany, and it is the 9th destination market of Qatari exports. 

The total value of Italian food products exported to Qatar during the first nine months of 2022 exceeded 64 million Euro, with an increase of more than 100% compared to the same period in 2021. A wide range of Italian food products is exported to Qatar: pasta, bakery products, cheese, dairy products, vegetable sauces and preserves, chocolate products, olive oil. The variety of Italian food production is so extensive that we believe it is possible to increase the offer of our products on this market. 

As part of continuing efforts to increase the knowledge and raise the consumption of Authentic Italian products in Qatar, the Italian Trade Agency signed a cooperation agreement with LULU Group International in the years 2020-2021 (Qatar and Bahrain). The partnership was fruitful, not only for Lulu and the Italian Trade Agency, but also for Qatari consumers who now have a wider choice of Italian food products.  

To keep raising the awareness and growing the consumption of authentic Italian products in Qatar, we will organize business missions of Qatari buyers to the main international exhibitions that will be held in Italy during 2023, like Tuttofood, Cibus, Sigep, AbTech etc… We are also planning to sign another partnership agreement with a major food retailer in Qatar to bring in more Italian food suppliers. 


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