For the second consecutive year, Zini pasta factory has renewed its commitment to the environment and the territory through a supply chain project that is sustainable in all senses: the production of Gnocchetti Senatore Cappelli using wheat that is grown locally.
This initiative was born in 2021 after Zini pasta factory decided to turn a moment of crisis into an opportunity and chose to rethink its production by enhancing the territory as much as possible.
This led to the idea of sowing 8 hectares of land with ancient Senatore Cappelli wheat just a few hundred metres from its production site. In doing so, it has successfully proven that sustainable economy is not only possible, it truly can, once activated, trigger a virtuous circle of values that generate value, for the wellbeing of people and the environment.

Maurizio Vezzani, CEO of Zini, explains how the project came about: “For years we have set ourselves the ambitious goal of not leaving a mark, meaning we wanted to minimize the impact of a production company like ours on the environment as much as possible.
Compared to all other CSR projects, this one stems from the desire to interact with the territory. We chose Senatore Cappelli wheat in that, compared to traditional wheat, it is strong and has a very limited footprint on the territory.
We were the first to make fresh pasta using Senatore Cappelli wheat and this has led to new solutions for the HoReCa industry, as well as for the domestic consumer market and can help bring special fresh pasta to the table, as the final product is highly refined as well as more digestible”.
This is how, from seeds to wheat, from wheat to the pasta factory, Gnocchetti Senatore Cappelli Zini were born, made using ancient wheat, water and a pinch of salt. They are rich in fibre, low in gluten and rich in protein… but, above all, they are produced entirely at only a few hundred metres from the factory.