ROMANINO is a lively reality in the fruit and vegetable trade sector, specialized for years in providing a tailor-made service for large-scale retail trade. We work for clients who demand and seek an attentive and impeccable service that pays attention to quality. We are always open to developing new projects, it’s our absolute choice.

The processing warehouse is located in Milan in a modern plant powered by photovoltaic panels and is made up of modern mechanized lines that allow selection, brushing, weight-pricing, labelling and packaging of products in line with customer needs and tight deadlines of supply. The fact, then, of being part of a group specialized in logistics and transport is certainly an added value and allows us to meet any type of need with high operational flexibility.
Born several years ago and specialized in the management of the entire WATERMELON product supply chain, from the field to the consumer, in recent years Romanino has added to its historic product, also shown in the graphic logo, other seasonal and non-seasonal references such as melon, pumpkin and courgettes, products that are programmed by us with selected productions in specific areas so as to guarantee high quality and continuity of supply.

In 2018, ROMANINO MAROC Suarl was established, a company also accredited by Moroccan customs, with the aim of communicating with production and managing control of the supply chain for the Moroccan product line, allowing Romanino to start each season with a selected first fruit and of high quality.
Furthermore, in 2020, Romanino also begins his new experience in Pantelleria where the scents of capers and oregano make us dream and lay the foundations for a line of local products under the FIORE DI ROCCIA® brand with which we will soon explore new markets as also reported on the site created to tell the story of the project.