From the world of preserved foods comes an innovation: revolutionary labels that indicate cooking times for preserved tomatoes, just like for pasta, to bring out the best of each variety and the specific characteristics of one of the iconic symbols of Made in Italy.
We already know how important this aspect is for pasta, but now the same principle is successfully applied to preserved tomatoes, simplifying preparation and making consumers more informed and aware.
The idea comes from Finagricola, a company based in Battipaglia (SA), a land characterized by particularly favorable soil and climatic conditions, called Piana del Sele, on the outskirts of Cilento.

In order to give a better culinary experience, the idea is to support consumers with informative labels, extending this new approach to the entire product range. Now, thanks to this new labeling system, each variety of preserved tomatoes comes with specific suggestions for ideal cooking time to achieve maximum taste and perfect texture.
Moreover, through the QR code present on the label, consumers can access detailed information about each type of tomato, from food pairings to specific uses. But there is even more: by scanning the QR code, consumers can also access information about the precise origin of the tomatoes used, as well as everything related to their cultivation and processing.
Starting from November 2023, Finagricola has activated supply chain traceability for products under the Così Com’è brand, using blockchain technology. Through this technology, every production phase is recorded immutably and made accessible to everyone, ensuring that the origin of a specific product can be verified with certainty, guaranteeing its authenticity and compliance with required quality standards.