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A careful selection of recipes and quality raw materials to meet the needs of ‘Singles’ too.

Italy is a country where a laid table has always been synonymous with conviviality: a place to get to know each other, relate and talk. However, in today’s society, due to the need for time and convenience, many prefer to eat alone. It is precisely to these people, to the ‘Singles’, that Medi wants to direct its production strategy. In particular, “eat alone” causes a series of eating behaviors that are detrimental to health: fast meals, unbalanced and poorly balanced doses, improvised dinners, unhealthy and monotonous eating.

These erroneous attitudes are also partly due to the scarce presence on the market of balanced single portions that lead to food waste. Medi meets this need with a careful selection of single-portion ready dishes of traditional Italian recipes that also meet the specific needs of ‘Singles’.

The company bases its values ​​on quality, simplicity, practicality and speed of use:  in fact, Medi products are ready in a few minutes! The raw materials are  gluten-free and free of preservatives . The products, with the freezing and vacuum packaging, maintain the taste and organoleptic properties of the nutrients, color and original flavor unaltered over time. Medi was born with great certainty:  fish nourishes the well-being of the body and mind. Nutraceuticals, a discipline that studies the relationship between nutrition and psycho-physical well-being, confirms  that fish helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases  as it is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids  (Omega 3) .



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