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Logistica Uno has been providing integrated distribution logistics, warehousing, transport and distribution services for almost 30 years.  

Nowdays, the logistic sector is strategic for a variety of economic and business activities.  

The ‘value’ generated in the territory by the different types of logistical settlements can be seen both directly in terms of the qualified employment of the territory’s resources employed, and indirectly in terms of the induced economic impact.  

As a company that is part of an industry with ever-growing trends, we have a duty to accentuate communications towards topics of global interest. 

FAO (Food and Agricolture Organization) estimated that around one third of food is wasted in the world every year; it is equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes. Considering that 1 billion of the world’s population is undernourished, this is an alarming figure.  

Luca Falasconi, Scientific Head of the Waste Watcher International Observatory – Italy, points out that today in our country, considering only the food thrown away in our homes, food waste alone is worth almost 6.5 billion.  

This is an estimate that rises to over 9 billion considering the entire supply chain. But at the same time, still in Italy, more than 2.6 million of people (9.4% of the population) struggle to eat regularly due to rising prices and higher bills and are in a state of poverty.  

We want to tell you how one of our top clients puts his efforts in order to solve this problem: Hero, a global food company founded in 1886 with the aim of making high-quality natural products easily accessible to consumers. 

Hero’s mission is: “delighting consumers while preserving the goodness of nature”, it responds to the needs and desires of today’s consumers for authentic and honest food. They are experts in single-portion jams and they set an example towards a world without waste.  

This product format fully embraces the anti-waste policy: the purchase of single portions represents a sustainable choice. This is an increasing issue in the daily lives of Italian families. The constant reduction of formats meets with growing interest among consumers.  

The HERO Group is strongly focused on sustainability and has a target of zero net emissions production for its plants by 2030. In addition, Hero Italy has been running a project for years to recover unconsumed food surpluses by donating food to various local organizations such as Caritas and Banco Alimentare. Food recovery activity permits to prevent it from becoming waste, saving in energy resources, thus reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.  

Waste is responsible for 10% of ‘unnecessary’ greenhouse gas emissions. For our client Hero, we have followed the distribution throughout Italy for GDO and Horeca network since 2009.  

At Logistica Uno we aim to improve the quality, efficiency and transversality of our services with an eye to impacting as little as possible on the environment around us. From this year, measuring the climate impact of the supply chain will be an established practice for us.  

It is an honour for Logistica Uno, a company part of Green Logistics, to be an established partner of a customer like Hero Italia, close to environmental and social issues, and that was able to meet the team of the Waste Watcher International Observatory, Department of Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies, University of Bologna. 

#together towards a sustainable future


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