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Italy launches the first international award dedicated to "sparkling" wine

The centuries – old traditions and chalices of emotion: the most elegant wine in the world now has an exclusive award. Concomitantly with EXPO 2015, Italy is holding the International Sparkling Awards Milan, the first international Awards dedicated to the best national and international enological production of wine fermented in bottle.

The International Sparkling Awards Milan is a unique competition in its genre and it is created with the objective of celebrating one of the most interesting productions that values a market full of excellent labels. Despite latitudes, temperatures, humidity and different terrains, many countries yield a great quality of wine, that are refermented in bottle and are capable of giving extraordinary emotions.

Missing just over a month to the beginning of the race for the prestigious award, anyone can register their own company, from any part of the world accessing on the web site: http://www.isamilan.com/index.php/it/regolamento/istruzione-per-l-acquisto. Eight categories: white wines without vintage, white wine vintages up to 36 months of refinement on the yeast, white wine vintages from 36 to 60 monthes of refinement on the yeast, white wine vintages over 60 months of refinement on the yeast, rosé wines without vintage, rosé wine vintages up to 36 months of refinement on the yeast, rosé wine vintages from 36 to 60 monthes of refinement on the yeast, rosé wine vintages over 60 monthes of refinement on the yeast.

Coordinated by the University of Milan, a panel of exceptional judges will taste the wines in competition from August 10 to September 11 , presenting them in a location set up in side of EXPO, in Hall Copagri – Love it. Then the winners will be decreed in the mid of September 2015 and rewarded in late October. The most deserving productions will be awarded with an exclusive ceremony in one of the most artistic and cultural heritage of Italy, the Villa Reale in Monza, in the presence of the most important authorities. Therefore for producers all over the world the International Sparkling Awards Milan represents a unique opportunity to raise awareness of their products and credit them in the market and to conquer a leading role in one of the most important international markets thanks to an objective evaluation by a qualified group of experts.

For information: www.isamilan.com

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