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Ice cream tested for the tropical weather…With Staff ice system

Do you feel making ice cream even at the highest temperatures like an illusion? From now on it won’t be like this thanks to Staff Ice System! The company in Rimini specialized since 1959 in cold equipment has designed a ‘tropicalised’ machine, made to operate in extreme weather conditions and in countries where water is a rare commodity… An optional characterized by great technological innovation, the result of the hard work in research of the Staff’s engineers, that you can apply both in batch freezers and pasteurizers, as well as in the multifunction machines. So not only ice cream, but also custard creams, jams, chocolate, culinary preparation and much more, to facilitate the job for professionals in the field. Easy to use in its standard functions, each machine of Staff’s range is for the gelato maker, the pastry chef and the caterer a huge resource: the perfect integration between basic electronics and the Inverter enables you to obtain any kind of mix, as made by hand. The constant investment in research and development, designing, search the most current design, with a look to the environment, it has always been the philosophy of Staff Ice System. Operational and food safety, as well as energy saving, are at the heart of each design. www.staff1959.com

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