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History: “The Estate… As Once”

The Estate was built in 1700 by the noble Florentine Peruzzi family. By 1840, the property passed to the Marchesi Strozzi Sacrati and in 1978 it was sold to our family, originally from Genoa, but who had always been in love with Tuscany.

Since then the estate has preserved the best traditions dedicated to the cultivation and production of organic wines and olive oil, combining old hand craft methods with the most modern techniques. In the gardens of the manor house, is a centuries old Lebanese Cedar tree that, as a witness of the past, the present and the future, has be- come the symbol of the Fattoria.

THE ESTATE: “The respect of the ancient traditions combined with modern techniques” The Estate is located on the top of the Montefiesole hill at 450 meters above sea level, only 18 km from Florence. Since the beginning, we have always researched harmony between our own activity and the natural balance. While preserving the best organic agricultural and productive traditions, the farm has been constantly evolving by combining these traditional methods with the most advanced technology in order to offer products of outstanding excellence.

Amongst the estates in Chianti Rufina production area, we have been the first ones to embrace biodynamic growing programs and to produce wines without sulfites. Some houses have been renovated so guests can enjoy the offerings of an onsite restaurant and charming agritourism.


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