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(Milan, 30th march 2015) – 2015 universal exposition dedicated to the theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” will open May 1 in the Italian city of Milan with as many as 144 countries taking part from around the world. Italy’s contribution will be to show the world the quality of the Italian food model (thanks to nutritional equilibrium, sustainability, links to the territory, taste and food security) and the possibility of sharing that with the world’s populations. For the visitor who wants to live the emotional and learning experience of the entire panorama of Italian food, the first stage of the tour inside Expo is the “Cibus is Italy” pavilion, the only one to show the entirety and variety of Italian food production. Here all the food chains are represented – milk and cheese, pasta, rice, desserts and snacks, vegetables, meat and sausages, beef, oil, vinegar and sauces, fish products, Italian beverages (coffee, drinks, water and others). In addition there are three thematic areas linked to food: Territories, or the local aspects of gastronomy and wine production, Sustainable Technology enabling agricultural and food production, and Brands and Taste illustrating how a private consortium of leading firms promotes Italian flavours around the world.

padiglione rendering Arranged by Federalimentare association of food enterprises and Parma Fairs – which has organized Cibus, Italy’s largest food fair, for years in the city of Parma – the “Cibus is Italy” pavilion faces the eastern entrance of Expo. It extends over 5,000 square meters on three floors, with the first two dedicated to the exposition and the lounge terrace on the third floor earmarked for meetings, tastings, conferences, workshops and international buyer meetings. On the two exhibition floors, 500 Italian food firms will use audio-visual aids to tell their history, their know-how, their capacity for innovation and export, and their vision for the future. The pavilion will be distinctive because its external look will constantly be changing, thanks to the food and nutrition-themed designs of international urban artists who will be switching off every 15 days. “Cibus is Italy” is proud to welcome foreign buyers from 35 countries, grouped in 12 delegations. The welcome package foresees a 6 days trip: 3 days in EXPO and 3 days of field trips to visit Italian food producers. The exhibition pavilion and the related activities contribute to the long term strategy defined by the Italian Government: increasing food export from 30 to 50 billion Euros by 2020 and reducing forgery and Italian sounding

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