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Your shipment wherever you want and whenever you want

Our professional staff are always dedicated to support each client to ensure all your needs are achieved.

It is supporting every client and the company is dedicating customized services in base of the necessities of each client.

Our resources of international offices around the world ensure we deliver high quality services globally.

The international staff and the different offices around the world with the management of Mr. Evenzio are giving a full and a true international service for any type of transportation and for any destination.

We invest our resources to guarantee fast and safe shipment whatever your needs. Our main priority is to satisfy our clients and to take care of them from a to z.

Our mission is to ship any type of goods all over the world and remove any apprehensions. Reliability, competence, experience are the magic words in all our services.

Our goal is to improve and add value to the customers’ business by contributing to their success.

Thanks to our consolidated experience we have an organization that is able to meet the needs of customers in different aspects of the supply chain. This is all possible thanks to a capillary and efficient network of suppliers, extended on the national and international territory.

Our commitment is to always be competitive, growth and never stop working. This is the key of our success.

Our extensive portfolio of services, rapidly increasing geographical coverage and systematic operations have helped us establish ourselves as one of the leading freight forwarders in the world.

Evolving each day to meet the dynamic needs of this industry, we have successfully networked ourselves in order to offer quality solutions for even the most complex service demands.

Our action plan is simple, identify customer needs, provide timely solutions, measure customer satisfaction and improve the speed at which services are brought to the customer’s work place.

Logistic one group is working in all the world and is managing more than 94.000 tons every year and working in many countries around the world. This number is increasing every year and the company can manage with the same staff more than 2.500.000 tons.


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