Care in the selection and commitment to sustainability are the core values of Versilfood, a historical Tuscan company that has been selecting and distributing mushrooms, truffles, fresh fruit and vegetables for 35 years. We have talked to Diego Romanini, CEO of Versilfood, to learn about the group’s strategies.

What does sustainability mean to you?
Our favourite raw material are wild porcini mushrooms, which grow tasty and healthy if the environment in which they are found is clean. For this reason, we are very sensitive to environmental issues.
We were among the first companies in our sector which installed photovoltaic panels to meet our energy needs and we pay close attention when purchasing raw materials. Furthermore, in the last year, we have opted for the use of a new fully recyclable bag together with the paper, used for Mushrooms and Berries.
Your most important investments in the last period?
In the last year we have installed two new packaging machines for the frozen line and, in partnership with Raytec Vision, we have developed the innovative Dryce optical sorter for the sorting of frozen mushrooms, equipped with a vision technology that allows to reject any product not suitable for distribution, thus excluding foreign bodies and increasing the guarantee and quality of our product towards the final consumer.
Speaking of partnerships, what can you tell us about the project with the Humanitas?
Attention to sustainability also has great social value for us. Our support for the “ Argento Vivo” project by the Humanitas Foundation for Research stems from the need to prevent and treat pathologies affecting the over 65 generation and is based on the common values of prevention and health, which we support with the freshness, genuineness, sustainability and quality of our products.
And what are the latest news in terms of products?
We have equipped ourselves with an internal industrial fryer, in which we are creating two new references: pre-fried porcini mushrooms and fried polenta, with which, being naturally “gluten-free”, we also cater to celiac consumers. Another advantage of these products is that they are really ready in a few minutes.