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Inside what may seem like a simple can of tuna is the story of a family and an entire territory, the one of Sardanelli family that for years has been carrying on the ancient artisan tradition of tuna canner masters in Calabria.

In this territory tuna processing is not only an economic resource of primary importance, but is something that has to do with tradition, passion, the repetition of the same gestures over the years, since the first half of the 1400s.In 1817 Francesco Sardanelli, son of Carmine, was among the founders of a “Fritta di Tonno”, a company established for processing the tunas caught in Pizzo and Bivona “Tonnare”, and then marketing its production in the fried/marinated style.

Since then, we have never stopped producing and marketing tuna and other fish products, carefully choosing the best raw material, scrupulously checking the steam cooking times, balancing the right amount of oil and salt and carefully carrying out all the phases of the processing that in some parts is still handmade, paying attention to the smallest details, giving life to an artisanal product that every day arrives on the consumer tables.

It is precisely in the interests of consumers that controls on raw materials and products are always scrupulous.
The company is the only one analyzing the DNA of tuna species utilized in its production directly in its plant, in order to check that the species used is actually the one declared by the suppliers and avoid canning species that do not actually correspond to what reported on the label.

Tradition, passion, attention and innovation: these are the secrets of the success of this company, a company with an old traditional rich in history that firmly maintains its values, handing them down from father to daughter to grandchildren and that, however, just for this reason, never stops looking to the future, reaching increasingly ambitious goals over the years.


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