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The shape of elegance: porcelain tableware for every style

When aesthetics is intertwined with gourmet gastronomy and chefs strive for excellence, the answer to the needs of the modern kitchen is porcelain tableware capable of surprising, accompanying culinary masterpieces of every style.

Porcelain is a muse, with a myriad of shapes that inspire and delight: from the grace of round bases to the avant-garde style of unconventional design, each form of tableware has its own distinct appeal, enriching the presentation with depth and sophistication.

It is even better if the porcelain used is a material crafted by skilled hands that know how to get the best out of a premium feldspar, quartz, and kaolin mixture, molded into inspirations that endure daily professional use, can be used in the oven and microwave, and also is easily cleaned thanks to a non-porous surface.

MPS Porcellane presents more than 1,000 product shapes. Millenium’s round and oval dishes are an exceptional balance of tradition and vanguard, cradling classic yet modern creations.

Porcellana ardesia is a spectacle of different textures on items with a natural surface in the meeting of creativity and functionality with clean, square lines that enhance the elegance of gourmet dishes. And then conventions are challenged with Creative flow, unveiling a new era of culinary expression in pieces that look like sculptures, ready to treasure refined jewels. Or Conchiglia, with a natural inspiration dedicated to the power of the sea, where the basis for the chef’s flair are symbolic abstract shapes.

The exceptional versatility of an age-old material is redefined by the constant quest for excellence, the one we have been pursuing with our customers since 1987. We stand alongside Ho.Re.Ca. professionals to create a new form of perfection, that of the elegance of an essential aesthetic.


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