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Since 1993 table grapes from organic farming. 

Founded in 2007, primarily located between Bari and Taranto, Gruppo Tarulli OP has been producing and commercializing organic table grapes since 1993. 

The company has always strongly invested in sustainability and respect for the ecosystem, seeking to make the best use of natural resources and directing itself towards the development of alternative energies, with the aim of minimizing its impact on the environment. The group is also certified by the CPPB for the organic method and by Bio Suisse, and boasts other important certifications such as Demeter, Global Gap, IFS, BRC. 

In 2015, the company obtained the Demeter certification, which requires that fertilization, cultivation and breeding respect and promote the fertility and vitality of the soil, as well as the typical qualities of plant and animal species. 

The group also benefits from the collaboration of the best logistics companies in Europe to optimize delivery times and preserve the freshness of the product. 

Thanks to this collaboration, it exports freshly picked grapes from July to December on the international markets. 

We met Marilena Daugenti Tarulli, owner of the company together with her husband, to get to know this Puglia-based company a little closer, a flagship of our Made in Italy when it comes to table grape production. 

Ms. Tarulli, so you only produce table grapes, correct? 

Exactly, our company specializes in the organic and biodynamic cultivation of grapes, and I would like to emphasize this. We were born 30 years ago, starting from a small plot of a few hectares of my family, subsequently converted, pursuing a dream that is now a reality with great initiative and courage. 

When did you start converting to organic farming? 

In fact, we have always and only done BIO grapes, so we were a little ahead of a trend that is now strongly felt and pursued. In fact, we started with this direction, for us BIO has always been a vocation. 

How much does organic farming impact your product? 

A lot and positively, of course. For us, quality is a fundamental paradigm, we are recognized as producers of high-quality BIO grapes, both from an organoleptic and a visual point of view, i.e. appearance, definitely attractive and inviting. 

Can you give us an example of how you pursue the concept of quality? 

Well, in fact, we do many activities that guarantee a product of the highest quality on the consumers’ tables, among these one of the most significant for us was converting half of the company to Demeter as well as BIO. 

For this reason, we will participate in the BIOFACH fair as exhibitors in the pavilion… 

What are your expectations for your participation in an event like BIOFACH? 

As BIOFACH is an international fair, we hope with our participation to not only meet customers and colleagues, but also to position ourselves in a broad international overview in the BIO sector. 

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