Sgattoni Surgelati, well-known and traditional Company in the Italian and foreign agro-fish sector, has created its reputation as a leader in the sector of gourmet preparations. From a single product company, as it was in the sixties, when, keeping the tradition of an ancient and precious craft, it shelled the famous clams of the Adriatic, it has then evolved with new recipes and delicious products.
Supported by investment in technology and production facility, Sgattoni’s product range includes a wide selection of appetizers, first course and main courses with different cooking possibilities, also microwaveable products.

Our gourmet lines of haute cuisine and freezing, which we have preferred to atmosphere preserve or fresh with a very short shelf life, guarantees food safety, from freezer to microwave.
The fourth generation indicates that the mission begun by Guido Sgattoni, passed through Luigi, Guido jr, and now Leonardo, was successful and the tradition will be handed down in the future. Three production and sales locations make Sgattoni Surgelati a successful holding.
Our research and development team, headed by the historical owner of the company, Sgattoni Luigi is always paying attention to new market trends and customer need as shown to our visitors in at Tuttofood exhibition which was very successful for our product.

Luigi Sgattoni, Ceo: “On our web site, constantly upgrading, you will find our best recipes, from natural, to ready-to-cook selection, currently available in most well-known GDO and distributors.
Our selection of products always takes into consideration latest customer needs. Sgattoni’ products are perfect for lunch breaks or happy hours; easy to cook, from freezer to microwave without defrosting and in 3 maximum 7 minutes you will have a gourmet dish. Our novelties have been created thinking of particular time we are all living.
Smart working, quick lunch or dinner and competitive prices, but without losing the desire for gourmet meal, are the new trends and the increasing of consumption of frozen product worldwide is a proof of that. Frozen fish product but mostly Marche’s traditional recipes will be the future. Our art is Gourmet cuisine. “