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Euroagrumi: quality thanks to a sustainable and advanced agriculture

The Consorzio Produttori Ortofrutticoli Euroagrumi was founded in 1986 for the offer of citrus productions and the relative commercialization on the national and foreign market, both through traditional distribution channels (wholesale markets) and through the points of sale of some large-scale retail chains.

The number of cooperatives joining the consortium has progressively increased over the years and currently, the sale of products uses the commercial brand of the Consortium, combined with that of individual cooperatives whose products covered by accredited brands, enjoy considerable appreciation on different consumer markets.

The Consortium is mainly dedicated to the cultivation of citrus fruits and prickly pears, a plant that synthesizes, given its intrinsic characteristics, the logic of circular economy so important to the Consortium. Not only of prickly pears everything is recovered, even the peel, but only 20 liters of water are needed to obtain 1 kg of crop, while for the same amount of oranges, for example, it takes more than 200 liters.

Euroagrumi invests a considerable amount in research, dedicating great efforts to pioneering studies to identify irrigation solutions that allow less water stress and innovative cultivation methods with a low environmental impact, which favor energy savings and the harvesting of a higher quality product.

Thanks to a study now almost completed, carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Agricultural Hydraulics of the University of Catania, the use of these new methodologies allows a saving of more than 30% of irrigation water and, with the same quantity of collected product, an increase in the quality of the same. It is currently being investigated a system of compatible agriculture for the cultivation of vegetable plants, which applies a concept of agriculture  inspired  to  quantum  physics that would allow avoiding, for example, the use of manure, copper, and sulfur in crops.

Thanks to studies carried out on the electro-magnetic wave frequency of the soil and that of the seed, in fact, it has been observed a greater speed in the growth of plants, which would grow healthier and immune to attacks by parasites.

The effort of Euroagrumi in research is consistent and the intent is always to find a system of sustainable agriculture, which is carried out with respect for the environment, and for this reason, all plants are equipped with electrical energy systems, powered by photovoltaic energy, which not only make the companies self-sufficient but allow them to produce surplus energy to be fed into the network, in what is the logic of circular economy.

An example of excellence, therefore, that of Euroagrumi, which combines technology with respect for the environment to deliver to the consumer a product of the highest quality. www.euroagrumi.it

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