Commerciale Pegaso is an Italian company that specialises in the wholesale and retail sale of the top brands of food and beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

We are a young but solid business, born out of the passion and professionalism of two entrepreneurs who are experienced in the sector.
Because we work with the largest brands in the beverage industry, we can offer a very wide range of products.
That way we can pay extra attention to the many labels of liqueurs, spirits, champagne, and sparkling wines, which represent our strong point.
Furthermore, we will stand by you when you need to organise events, from concerts to tastings, to attract and entertain customers. We can also train staff with bartender courses for men and women, AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier [Italian Sommelier Association] courses, as well as courses on beer and coffee, etc. We are present in the provinces of Parma, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Bologna and Piacenza, where we also make free home deliveries daily.