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Azienda Agricola Belisario

Belisario farm rises in a hidden corner of LUCANIA, in VAL D’AGRI, a land always lightening as in Pleistocene Period it sparkled thanks to the waters of a lake, in SARCONI, in a spot pleasant for its climate and perfumes. It is made up of lands contending for space with the surrounding hills and all sloping down from SIRINO mountain (2005 m. above the sea-level); these lands stretch, plain and rolling, along the SCIAURA, a river blessed for its unvarying flowing, cool and not very calcareous waters, so necessary for the finest cultivations. Farm’s original nucleus, smaller than today and suitable for a manorial economy, dates back to the end of 19th century; but only recently with the grandfather Domenico, the son Mario and the present operator, the grandson Domenico, it has found arguments and reasons for a productive impulse, aiming above all to quality through a lovely and determined search for the finest ecotypes, dated back to the ancient beans’ cultivations that, from the beginning of ’80s, found political attention, esteemed scientific support from all European Universities, till the I.G.P. (=P.G.I., Protected Geographical Indication) acknowledgment, the first in Basilicata. Today BELISARIO farm, a checking organization of I.G.P. accredited at the MIPAF, produces and packs 20 different ecotypes, with seeds come down from father to son, justly saved from a sure disappearance both from the biological cycle and from the economic and cultural memory, and that have been restored not only to a healthy nourishment but also to the pleasure and pride to taste unique and unmistakeable products.

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