Italia Zuccheri is the 100% Italian sugar produced by COPROB, a sugar beet growers cooperative renowned for its comprehensive supply chain management from the field to the end customer. Thanks to its cooperative structure, it is the only sugar producer remained in ltaly. It offers agronomic advice and services to more than 7,000 farms and coordinates the transport of beets from the fiends to its two sugar plants in Minerbio (in the province of Bologna) and Pontelongo (in the province of Padua). The produced sugar embodies the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices (now also organic) and guarantees the improvement of environmental impact indicators for the benefit of the national agri–food system as a whole. The produced sugar is certified and traced from the field to the table to increase customer awareness and food safety. Italia Zuccheri secures 23% of the national supply-demand, 80% of which is destined to the food and beverage industry, and the remaining part goes to artisans, pastry chefs, ice cream makers and large–scahe retailers. Out of social responsibility to- wards its members, Italia Zuccheri is building integrated sup- ply chain strategies to develop a regulation of the European sector built in favour of beet growing in the North.