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Bakers Since 1938

The fragrance of crackers and flatbread, the delightful scent of pizza and focaccia, all the delicacies of the oven are the heart of Ellegi’s production, a company led by the Galbignani family, involved in the bakery sector since the early twentieth century.

A real vocation for yeast and flour, which has led the company to expand the range of products to include not only different types of bread but also crackers, breadsticks, savory and sweet pastries, focaccia and pizza. Ellegi was founded in 1938 by Pietro Galbignani and in 1982 it moved to a new and larger facility in Via Livrasco, on the outskirts of the city of Cremona.

The new company Ellegi srl was born thanks to Pietro’s son, Giorgio. He began to increase the production of bread by approaching the large-scale distribution. In those years, in its laboratory in Via Livrasco, the company produced not only bread but also a great variety of substitute bakery products. In these years, the new lines of artisan breadsticks and toasted breadsticks were born.

In 2008, the reins of the company passed into the hands of Giorgio’s nephew, Andrea, who decided to move the laboratory to a modern and large place in the industrial area of ​​Gadesco Pierve Delmona. “With a daily production of about 40 quintals of fresh bread, pizza, focaccia, breadsticks and croutons, we reach a turnover of about 3 million euros” – explains Andrea.

The fresh product distribution covers different regions of Northern Italy while the bread lines travel all over Europe. In 2019 Ellegi created the new lines of crispy croutons “I CREMONESI”, produced exclusively with extra virgin olive oil, and the innovative “FRU FUN” fruit crouton. The development of accurate and creative recipes for the preparation of fresh pastries and bakery products has allowed ELLEGI to meet the demands of large retailers, grocery stores and retail bakeries. In 2019 Ellegi created the new lines of crispy croutons “I CREMONESI”, produced exclusively with extra virgin olive oil, and the innovative “FRU FUN” fruit crouton. The development of accurate and creative recipes for the preparation of fresh pastries and bakery products has allowed ELLEGI to meet the demands of large retailers, grocery stores and retail bakeries.

In 2019 Ellegi created the new lines of crispy croutons “I CREMONESI”, produced exclusively with extra virgin olive oil, and the innovative “FRU FUN” fruit crouton. The development of accurate and creative recipes for the preparation of fresh pastries and bakery products has allowed ELLEGI to meet the demands of large retailers, grocery stores and retail bakeries.


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