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Food & Beverage e-commerce boom in the second quarter of 2020 the pandemic in the USA showed a 58% increase compared to the first months of the year

That the months of lockdown had boosted the e-commerce sector was pretty predictable. It is less so if we consider the dizzying increase that food & beverage has experienced in this sector of commerce. A US eMarketer sur- vey, recently published in TechCrunch, highlighted the fact that the most profitable industry in the second quarter of 2020 was the food and beverage sector, with growth as high as 58.5%. This trend concerns the entire

e-commerce sector at an international level.

According to a survey by Salesforce, online purchases increased by 71% in the second quarter, and a British study carried out by the Office for National Statistics shows that online sales related to the retail sector increased from 18.7% in July 2019 to 28.1% in the same month this year, recording a growth of 9.4%. Consumers spent over $211 billion on online purchases, resulting in e-commerce growth of 31.8% compared to the previous four months.

The venture of a Milanese company, Vitavigor, is part of this scenario. Vitavigor has created an online  portal  dedicated to lovers of breadsticks and snacks from Italy and all over Europe to take advantage of this trend and make up for the drop in consumption in large scale retail trade. “We firmly believe in the strength of e-commerce,” explains Federica Bigiogera, Vitavigor’s marketing manager, “and this is why we decided to embark on a new adventure. The original idea took some time to be planned because we wanted to make sure that our customers could also find their favourite products on our official website.

Our e-commerce shop was created in collaboration with the Japal platform and is greatly committed to supporting Made in Italy and the food sector in general in these difficult times. We guarantee the possibility to buy products and receive them in just 48 hours, with free deliveries starting from 49 euros and customers can also take advantage of exciting promotions through social channels”.

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