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Latteria Soligo is the first Italian company authorized to use the claim “Milk natural source of iodine” Milk is the food closest to the concept of a complete food, as it contains all the macronutrients essential for life: calcium, phosphorus, protein and, above all, iodine. This is what emerged from the studies supported in the...

140 years ago, in 1883, the founders of the newly formed Latteria di Soligo wrote, in the dairy’s statute, that their mission was to “make perfect products”, indicating a value that exceeded any modern definition of marketing. Not content to define their products as “good”, “excellent” or “high quality”, they wrote “perfect”, demonstrating that their...

From Maremma to Bologna, visiting Marche, the journey of the ‘Think Milk’ Blogger Tour to discover some dairy cooperatives of excellence comes to an end today. 650km, 3 regioni, 3 regions, 3 cooperative realities, over 100 references represented: these are the numbers of the gastronomic journey realized by the Dairy Sector of the Alliance of...

Milk too is being held to the scrutiny of sustainability, with an initiative financed by Lombardy’s Rural Development Program in a unique area of the region: that of the Valle del Mincio, today threatened by climate change. The mission of the 1.2.01 initiative known as “Latte Sostenibile” [Sustainable Milk] is to spread knowledge about the...

Trevalli Cooperlat is a dynamic and modern second-grade agrifood Cooperative company. Since the beginning, sixty years ago, it has been able to build an innovative entrepreneurial model to realize a strategic plan, placing itself among best in class firms in the Italian dairy industry. The company resulted from the progressive cohesion of 11 cooperatives, located...

GustArte Italia is a project 100% taste and quality that enhance our milk trasformingt it into high quality cheese, being certificated 100% milk from Lombard and Emilan farms. Furthermore GustArte Italia put effort into endorsing local agricolture and local economy and the consumption of territorial product. It is attentive to everybody’s demands offering unique products as Bufalo...