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High quality, naturally coloured organic eggs

The Garda Egg Co is a farm that specializes in the production of high quality, naturally coloured organic eggs obtained from special breeds. We’re located in the municipality of Lazise, in the province of Verona, on the eastern shore of Lake Garda. The local area has a sub-Mediterranean climate, making it perfect for raising animals in the open air.

A number of additional farms have also been established within the splendid mountain range to the north of Verona. Here, we have entrusted a part of our laying hens to local breeders to contribute to the human repopulation and redevelopment of the area.

The Garda Egg Co was established by Federica Bin during a moment of great change: a move to a new house in abundant land with cool woods and the blue of the lake visible in the distance. Her desire to share this peaceful corner of the world with animals started to take form.

An acquaintance talked to her of coloured eggs laid by special breeds of hens which are highly prized for their attractive appearance and goodness. And so, almost for fun, Federica embarked on her adventure with growing enthusiasm and great affection for her very own special “girls”.

The farm raises the following breeds: The Australian Australorp with light brown eggs, the Andean Araucana, whose eggs are blue or greenish, the Olive Egger – a cross between an Araucana and a Marans – which lays pale green eggs, the French Marans, which lays dark brown eggs, the American New Hampshire, which has reddish eggs, the white Leghorn and red Leghorn with their distinctive white eggs, and finally the English Cream Legbar, which lays pale blue eggs.

The high quality of the eggs is highly prized by discerning, famed and starred chefs. The special care for the animals, focus on environmental responsibility, coupled with Federica and her team’s enormous enthusiasm are an expression of the company mission: to give value to the true quality of nature.



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