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Centoventi Bergader's pop-up restaurant created by Riccardo De Pra

The mountain cheese company transforms its presence at Cibus into a Michelin-starred experience

A simple stand becomes a pop-up restaurant: Bergader will celebrate its 120th anniversary in style at the Cibus 2022 trade show (Parma, 3-6 May). In a specially designed kitchen, the Michelin-starred chef Riccardo De Pra will delight guests by blending the strong, natural taste of the brand’s mountain cheeses into refined dishes, offering up unforgettable sensory experiences.

Bergader, a name meaning “mountain vein”, will showcase the full potential of its dairy products – which owe their unique flavour to the authentic nature of the fresh milk sourced from 1,700 farms in Bavaria and Austria, the luxuriant pasture and the pure water that flows down from the glaciers.

Successfully combining time-honoured practices and innovation, the cheese factory in Waging am See, in the Bavarian Prealps, is one of the most modern in Europe. State-of-the-art technology is fused with the manual expertise of the master cheesemakers.

For more than a century, this passion has enabled the production of cheeses including Bergader Edelpilz, the brand’s most well-known blue cheese, which is still made to its original recipe; Cremosissimo, the soft cheese that has won over the public’s taste buds, becoming the second-biggest seller on the Italian market; and Bavaria Blu, a blue cheese with both white and blue mould.

The company has diversified its offering over the years, carving out a prestigious place in the finest deli counters and supermarket fridges. Bergader is also renowned for its respectful approach.

As a company that has always embodied mountain culture, it could not fail to support sustainability throughout every phase of production, with a view to achieving a zero-impact process.

Deeply embedded in the local area, it was one of the first businesses in the region to adopt measures far beyond those required by law to safeguard the environment.



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