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Being Natura: Orti Di Puglia’s Philosophy

Orti di Puglia represents an excellence in the production and packaging of fresh vegetables. It operates with the brand Jentu through which the Company reaches the market mainly with fourth-range fresh salads, ready for consumption. The salads are grown both directly and through the network of external suppliers. Jentu history starts in Salento where more than one-handed people are employed in different company’s departments.

Today Jentu, with its wide range of salads certified as

Prodotti qualità Puglia” is highly appreciated by large retailers. The value of the limited editions is largely recognized, they consist of a mix of local seasonal and typical products: the Fiaschetta with flask tomato from the Torre Guaceto natural reserve, the Fantaviva with red onion from Acquaviva delle Fonti, a Slow Food presidium, Leccina with “Lu Cucumarazzu” (Salento’s cucumber) and Leccine olives. They come in practical bowls which collected a wide success from the public and will be proposed again next summer. By keeping a constant attention to the market, in the summer of 2020 Orti di Puglia has launched some new productions: the line of pre-made rice, spelled, barley and couscous salads, dressed with vegetables.

For autumn, Jentu offers the innovative Jentu Gourmet risottos and the Tuttobuono minestrone. Risotto is one of the first courses Italians love the most, it is prepared by Jentu in the flavors consumers prefer: with porcini mushrooms, asparagus, pumpkin, shrimp and zucchini.

The rice is stirred in its sauté and cooked in a genuine vegetable broth. The product is completely natural and free from dyes, preservatives and glutamate.

Jentu Gourmet Risottos are ready to be eaten after just two minutes in micro- wave or pan. TUTTOBUONO – a project against food waste to which the company commits is instead a soup with a traditional taste, it is made with pre-cooked mixed vegetables ready for use.

The company selects vegetables that are not suitable for display and ensures their quality and traceability.

The philosophy of Orti di Puglia keeps Future as its goal… naturally. www.ortidipuglia.com

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