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Consorzio Vini Chianti

THE PLACES OF CHIANTI TUSCANY IS THE LAND OF CHIANTI WINE   The Chianti Wine Consortium was established in 1927 by a group of wine producers in the Provinces of Florence, Siena, Arezzo and Pistoia. Subsequently the Consortium expanded its operations to include the whole production area recognized by the 1967 Regulations, later assimilated into the Guaranteed Registered Designation of Origin (DOCG) recognized in 1984 and updated, for the last time, with a decree dated 19th June 2009. The Consortium protects over three thousand six hundred producers, working more than 15,500 hectares of vineyards, producing in excess of 800,000 hectoliters of Chianti wine of various zones and typologies and has been attributed the “ERGA OMNES” recognition for its representative status. It was charged with carrying out functions regarding consumer information, protection, promotion and valorization, as well as the general care of interests related to D.O.C.G. “Chianti”, through a Decreee issued by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies on September 3rd 2012. The places of Chianti The places of Chianti Tuscany is the land of Chianti wine, and Arezzo, Florence, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato and Siena are the provinces that represent the places of production excellence, and whose soils cultivated with vines are defi ned by law. This unique environment, which is crossed by gentle, amply terraced hills, valleys and rivers, off ers fi ne vineyards which are themselves symbolic of the Tuscan landscape. The ancient wineries have now become architectural structures to visit and places of tourism and tastings. Chianti wine may be produced throughout the Chianti’s zone, including areas not identifi ed in the legend and which are shown in light grey. Chianti Superior, not located on the map, can be produced in the whole Chianti’s area and represents the expression of the quality mark reserved to those wines for which are expected particular characteristics and production conditions.

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