Via del Santuario, 48
Loc. Strà di Nibbiano;
Tel. 0523 998856
Fax. 0523 733259
Salumificio Grossetti has a long family tradition concerning the production of Piacenza cured meat. The laboratory was in fact created in Pianello Val Tidone in 1875, handing down from generation to generation the art of preparing cured meats.
The cured meats factory Grossetti preserved over the years the production of typical cured meats: Mariola (today one of Slow Food products) to dried Ciccioli, Lard, Zampone and Cappello del prete. Beside Salame Piacentino DOP you can find all the local variants of salami: Salame Gentile, i Cacciatori and Strolghino.
Antonio Grossetti, together with his children and grandchildren (Enrico, Alessandro and Eugenia), has never used easy shortcuts: their cured meats are still made with a keen eye for quality. Particular attention is paid to the seasoning and to the choice of raw materials.