This year too the best pastry chefs and bakers in Veneto challenged one another in a show of solidarity to benefit the Amici di Adamitullo NPO project: a competition that celebrates the best panettone in the region to support a schooling project in Ethiopia
For the past six years, Padua has hosted Panetthòn, a competition that selects the best panettone in the Veneto region. It’s not just an ordinary competition however, but rather a show of solidarity in which the participants contribute to a fund raiser for the schooling project in Ethiopia run by the Amici di Adamitullo Non-Profit Organization.

This sixth edition saw the Infermentum pastry shop of Stallavena-lugo (VR) win first place, followed by Milady of Marghera (VE) in second place, and Renato Bosco of San Martino Buon Albergo (VR) in third place. Prominent figures in food journalism and from Italy’s culinary industry were on the jury, like chef Terry Giacomello who was its president.
In the previous editions, up to 2019, it was possible to have a jury made up of members of the general public involved, to declare the best panettone and collect funds during the charity evening.
Unfortunately, for the past two editions, including the most recent one which ended yesterday at the Radici di Padova restaurant, only the presence of the official jury was allowed, behind closed doors, for obvious reasons related to the pandemic.
The goal of collecting the funds necessary to send 50 students to school for one year was, however, achieved thanks to the generosity of those who participated in the event.
Thank you, therefore, to all of the pastry shops and master bakers who were present: Dolce Bassano (Bassano del Grappa – VI), Fiko Pizza+Lab (San Dono – PD), Fornaio Fratelli Zenatti (Sommacampagna – VR), Gigi Pipa (Este – PD), KoSìdolce (Noale – VE), Panificio Antichi Sapori (Isola della Scala – VR), Panificio Quaglia (Sant’Urbano – PD), Pasticceria Al Theatro (Venezia), Pasticceria Belvedere (Legnaro – PD),
Pasticceria Celso (Padova), Pasticceria Centeleghe (Farra D’Alpago – BL), Pasticceria Chiosco (Lonigo – VI), Pasticceria Delaclaire (Vicenza), Pasticceria Europa (Padova), Pasticceria Fabris (Fontanelle – TV), Pasticceria Favalli (Montagnana – PD), Pasticceria Fondente (Roncade – TV), Pasticceria Gardellin (Curtarolo – PD), Pasticceria Golosità (Bassano del Grappa – VI), Pasticceria Infermentum (Stellavenalugo – VR),
Pasticceria Le Sablon (Padova), Pasticceria Marisa (San Giorgio delle Pertiche – PD), Pasticceria Milady (Marghera – VE), Pasticceria Supernova (Rovigo), Pasticceria Tombolato (Padova), Pasticceria Zizzola (Noale – VE), Pizzeria Arcobaleno (San Martino di Venezze – RO), Pizzeria Arrigoni e Basso (Zero Branco – TV), Pizzeria Rocca D’Asolo (San Vito, Altivole – TV), Pizzeria Saporé – Renato Bosco (San Martino Buon Albergo – VR), and Ristorante Acqua Crua (Barbarano Vicentino – VI).
The fund raiser will continue with the creation of a panettone ice cream flavour by the Bepi ice cream parlor in Padua, which will pasteurize the samples of panettone not used by the jury, thus incorporating the important and relevant issue of food waste to the charity initiative.