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Famiglia Castagnedi

We are Famiglia Castagnedi, four brothers in love with their land between Valpolicella and Soave valleys, to whom we have dedicated the soul of our brands: Tenuta Sant’Antonio, TÉLOS and SCAIA.

For us, wine means dream, the profound and intimate interpretation of our land; it is the essence of a community and a terroir that become a product. It is a mission that aims at respecting nature and wellbeing without ever compromising on quality.

Investing in sustainable innovation is our spirit: a practical and pragmatic way of life that always pushes us to go beyond conventions, on which in recent years we have focused decisively to adopt less impactful practices and produce increasingly natural wines. This has led to the creation of TÉLOS, the line of wines in organic conversion, with no added sulphites and certified Vegan, a manifesto for the future capable of offering well-being.

This profound evolution towards sustainability enshrines our Single Vineyard wines: the result of research into excellence, exclusivity, uniqueness and the expression of the territory.

Dedicated vinification, special ageing and selected vineyards make these products authentic pearls capable of speaking the language the territory like no other, from Vigna Monte Ceriani Soave DOC 2019 to La Bandina Valpolicella Superiore DOC 2018 and Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Campo dei Gigli 2016.

Milestones in the process of finding a style that combines modern, fresh and international drinkability with the identity of an extraordinary and iconic terroir, capable of thrilling wine lovers from all over the world.

Our daily work, filled by our soul and our heart, is aimed at giving you what we do best: producing wine and bottling the essence and history of FAMIGLIA CASTAGNEDI.


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