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Damak Food One Of The Largest Kebab Producers In Europe

Damak is established in 2010 on the production of doner and meat products and now manufactures in 3 different locations in Poland.

Damak, which is one of the biggest doner producers in Europe with its taste, naturalness and production quality, increases its brand value day by day. The flavor secret of products of Damak; we combine modern industrial style production with traditional methods in high-quality hygienic conditions. Our products are exported to all European countries and contribute greatly to the Polish economy. Our ready-to-eat grilled products are individually frozen at 40C and above with Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) technology.

The contribution of this high technology freezing system to the taste and quality of our products is great. With such advanced investments, we preserve the naturalness and taste of our products and deliver them to consumers.

We invest in robotic technology in our new production facilities built in European standards. While increasing the product variety with these technological investments, we produce faster and healthier products.

Kebavita: another perspective on the kebab sector

You will be hearing much more of our Kebavita brand, which we have accelerated in 2018, within Damak. Our Kebavita brand, which we consider as a golden ore for the fast food sector in Europe, is almost the representative of grilled doner.

Nowadays, when time is precious, you will be able to fulfill your desire to eat at home, especially in winter, with our practical products Kebavita.

We are changing the perception of ready to eat foods in Europe with our grilled doner kebabs and all our grilled products. Thanks to our wide distribution network, you will be able to find our small–weight Kebavita products in European and world markets.


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