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Querce Bettina: Tasting notes and technical information about…..



Since the beginning of our wine production we choose the tradition of Montalcino for characterizing our Brunello and Rosso. We are used to say that the quality of our wines are 70% made in the field preparing healthy and rich of taste grapes and 30% in the cellar using good and selected equipment for not ruin the work made by nature.

The peculiar soil of Montalcino together with the micro climate and selected plants of Sangiovese Grosso cloned here in the area, give special grapes full or aromas, body, alcohol and tannins. This complex of things give to the wine characteristics for color, taste and perfumes typical of the territory. Experts and Brunello’s lovers could specify the origin of a wine produced in the four quadrants of the ill.

Our wine have not the maximum expression of alcohol content, they are elegant, perfumed and have strong aromas of fruits and flower, good presence of grape tannins, good body, persistent taste and voted to be aged because with the years the become smooth and well balanced.


Made from Sangiovese Grapes (100%) cultivated in our vineyards at 440 mt a.s.l. south west of the Montalcino ill. Selected throughout the harvest to ensure optimal ripeness of each brunch. Fermented in stainless steel until malolactic fermentation is complete, aged in large wood casks for about 48 months made with Slovenian oak, the wine is then aged at least 12 months in the bottle before to be released in commerce after five years after the vintage. The wine is not filtered.

Ruby to garnet-red color, clean perfumed of red matured fruits (plums, blackberry, sour black cherry) liquorice, mushrooms In the mouth elegant pleasantly dry, warm, full and persistent with well balanced tannins, alcohol and body. An important drink to be matched with very rich and flavoursome foods such as aged cheese and cold cuts, game and red meats, dark chocolate.

The bottles are to be open four/five hours before, better decanted for a better oxygenation, its bouquet is intensive … mysterious … to be tasted carefully giving inquisitiveness …. Its color of undertint tones let bespeaks an alive and exciting tasting…… an emotion all to be carefully sipped.

Chemical analysis give: 14,17% alcohol, good resistance at air exposure, total acidity 5,4 g/l, volatile acidity 0,37 g/l, dry extract 28,4 g/l, SO2 total 91 mg/l and free 14 mg/l


Made from Sangiovese Grapes (100%) cultivated in our vineyards at 440 mt a.s.l. south west of the Montalcino ill. Selected throughout the harvest to ensure optimal ripeness of each brunch. Fermented in stainless steel until malolactic fermentation is complete, aged in large wood casks for 30/36 months made with Slovenian oak, the wine is then aged at least 12 months in the bottle before to be released in commerce after five years after the vintage. The wine is not filtered.

Ruby to garnet-red color, clean perfumed of red fruits (plums, blackberry, sour black cherry). In the mouth elegant pleasantly dry, warm, full and persistent with well balanced tannins, alcohol and body. Easy to drink and to be matched with flavoursome foods such as aged cheese and cold cuts, game and red meats.

Its bouquet is elegant…. satisfactory … to be tasted carefully giving inquisitiveness …. long persistence …. Its color of undertint tones let bespeaks an alive and exciting tasting…… mysterious giving an emotion all to be carefully sipped.

Chemical analysis give: 14,33% alcohol, good resistance at air exposure, total acidity 5,2 g/l, volatile acidity 0,53 g/l, dry extract 29,9 g/l, SO2 total 91 mg/l and free 16 mg/l


Made from 100% Sangiovese Grosso grapes, selected by hand throughout the harvest. Fermentation in stainless steel until malolactic fermentation is complete, aged in five hundred liter French wood casks (Allier) for twelve months. Aged in the bottle for eight months and normally released from September, three years after the vintage.

Rudy red colour, with plenty of red flowers and berries on the nose. Strong body, rounded and harmonious with a long finish. The wine is not filtered.

Indicated for being combined with pasta dishes with meat sauces, soups, cheese and cold cuts, roasted meat.

Chemical analysis give: 13,52% alcohol, good resistance at air exposure, total acidity 5,20 g/l, dry extract 28,70 g/l, SO2 total 77 mg/l and free 20 mg/l


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