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Meraviglie SRL

MERAVIGLIE S.r.l. is an Italian firm located in Sommacampagna, close to Verona. Established in 2015, our company has brand new facilities and pipelines where we manufacture chocolate bars, energy and protein fruit bars by using raw cacao and superfoods ingredients only, such as goji berries, baobab fruit pulp, spirulina algae, reishi mushrooms, siberian pine nuts, cashews, etc…
Any product of ours is Organic and Kosher certified, Gluten Free, Vegan and all of them are also Sugar Free but the chocolate bars which are sweetened only with coconut- blossom nectar, a natural, not refined sugar with lowest glycemic index. Our mission is offering our customers delicious moments of pure happiness, for a sustainable indulgence that makes them feel better and healthier.
For this reason we select our ingredients very carefully by choosing highest quality raw materials from pristine forests of South America like Ecuador, and from Africa and Asia, everything obtained through organic agricolture methods and fair trade commerce, thus preserving both our environment’s integrity and farmers’s human dignity.
All MERAVIGLIE’s products are raw that is cold-processed to preserve their full healthful
benefits and pure taste. In addition we protect them into high barrier flowpacks in order to keep their flavour and nutritional properties intact.
Our product portfolio is growing day by day as we want to give as many consumers as possible the opportunity of joining us in what we like to define as our healthy re-evolution.

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