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Cons. Per La Tutela Del Formaggio Vastedda Della Valle Del Belice

The unique “pasta filata” cheese made with sheep milk   Vastedda Valle del Belice PDO is a pasta fi lata cheese made from whole and raw milk, of Valle del Belice breed ewes reared mainly at pasture. The PDO Vastedda Valle del Belice is one of the rare pasta fi lata sheep cheese of the world, not widespread as spinning sheep’s milk is particularly diffi cult and requires dexterity, sensitivity and meticulous care. The name comes from vastedda ceramic plate where the shape is left to rest after spinning. Vastedda is still an artisan cheese, worked by master cheesemakers with great skill and professionalism, through the use of traditional techniques and the wood equipments. Vastedda cheese is a typical form of fl at bread, with a diameter of 15-17 cm and weight of 500-700 grams. It is free of crust, the surface is smooth and ivory while the paste is white, smooth and not grainy, no eyes. The flavor is typical of fresh goat cheese, a bit ‘sour but not spicy.   The production area of the PDO is the valley around the Belice river, the area of production involving 18 municipalities in the provinces of Agrigento, Trapani and Palermo, in Sicily. PDO Vastedda della Valle del Belice is kept in a cool, dry place for a few days. It should be eaten fresh and is not suitable for seasoning. Match simple and tasty at the same time is a few drops of olive oil and a bit ‘of oregano. It is also excellent as an ingredient of many timbales of pasta and preparations due to its ability to stretch. PDO Vastedda della valle del Belice also considered as a sheep mozzarella, is also used in the preparation of pizza to gourmet. We recommend the combination with a glass of white wine produced in the Belice valley. The PDO Vastedda della valle del Belice is protected by the Consortium based in Poggioreale (TP) that takes care of the promotion, protection and surveillance thanks to MIPAAF acknowledgment.

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